Interested in a pertnership with HeadStat Football?

We are a young company with big ambition in the entertainment and sports world and we believe in the power of synergistic collaboration. To reach our expansion plans, we open space for different opportunities of partnership.

· Opportunity to sponsor games, teams, clubs or ompetitions

· Sponsorship to produce HeadStat Football promotional material

· Possibility to support the evolution of the company and their partner clubs

Sponsors and Advertisers

· Opportunity of partnerships linked to football projects

· Partnership for commercial expansion

Commercial Partnerships

· Special conditions for long term contracts

· Expansion of sponsorships

· Partneship in our pilot projects with the prioriy to receive new features

Clubs or Football Teams

· Space for cooperation in our professional network

· Opportunity to collaborate with the evolution of HeadStat Football Products

· Chance to participate in the growth of the company

Trainers and Tactical analysts

We are passionate about sports and have ambitious growth plans. If you are an investor and want to learn more about HeadStat Football, please contact us.


· Opportunity to produce statistics of the games

· Space to collaborate as testers of our products

· Public recognition as collaborators



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